Sunday, January 18, 2015

Sunday Reading List (And Update!)

Hey guys!

It's been a long long time since I've updated this blog. I just haven't had the chance to read as much as I want to as I adjusted to school and found myself leaning more towards makeup and fashion. But I've started to make time for reading again after finally cleaning up my style (or at least, figure out exactly what it is) and realized that  I have too many books. So I'm determined to read all of my books and get rid of the ones that I don't really like, don't have a huge impact on my life, or just adds to my messy life. It's breaking my heart, but I need to do it. 

So here is my first Sunday Reading List. Right now it's really short since I am still in school and taking a two advance classes. But I will be making time to read these two books by the end of this month even if I have to force myself to slow down and take a breather. 

I know that Tuesdays With Morrie was really popular a few years back and I found The Five People You Meet In Heaven at one of my local thrift shops and decided to give it a try. I had gotten Beautiful Zurt last year as an advance reader and just now have the time to read through it. I had read at least half and I really like it! Especially since it's also based on one of the first multi-user adventure games ever created! 

I'm also creating a few blog post series and might start updating you guys about one of my New Year's Eve goals. I had decided to write a poem and a page of fiction a day besides my usual journaling. What do you guys think about that?

That's it for today! Thanks for reading! 

For more on my fashion/beauty/lifestyle blog, click here. 

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