Saturday, November 9, 2013

NaNoWriMo Day 6/7/8/9?

Hey guys!

I've been busy the past few days. I had a chemistry test on Friday so I had to focus my energy into studying because that's one of the classes I'm struggling with. Now that I'm back on track, I'm going to try to reach the word count for today. If I can't there's always tomorrow. It's a good thing Monday is a day off.

Since I've been writing about random stuff, I might as well talk about something that I should've talked about before November started. Which is my NaNoWriMo Survival kit.

So here it is:

My NaNoWriMo Survival Kit:

Journal - Since I go to school, I need a journal to write when I get that sudden inspiration. Or to distract myself from doing school work.

Pencil - Not just any pencil. A magical pencil that helps when I write. I have found mine for this year, but I feel like I should change it.

Lead - I use a mechanical pencil and it would be horrible if I didn't have lead and I was writing an important scene. I'd cry in a corner.

Laptop - For checking onto the NaNoWriMo website and just being distracted in general.

That's it guys! Yup, it's a small list, but it's my first time doing NaNoWriMo so I'm still testing the waters.

And that's all folks!

Have a good day!

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