Tuesday, November 10, 2015

NaNoWriMo 2015//Day 10

Oh hello!

The word count for today was 16,666. I have ended up writing about 17, 215 words. Go me! I'm trying to type as much as I can each day without burning out. Some scenes are random. Others were written with some kind of intention to string them together and create a novel. A novel whose whole theme and storyline has drastically changed. Now I'm really confused on where this story is going.

 All I know is that there is a girl who is not okay, imaginary beings, and a guy who seems very dangerous. I don't think that my novel is going to end up as a love story because what is going on is definitely not love. As I write my novel, I notice that I don't really write it down in my journal anymore. I think I'm going to write in it during school hours and when I'm not near my laptop. My typing skills have improved to a more reasonable state after typing for so long on my novel.

Well, back to adding more words to my word count!

What scenes in your novel have surprised you during NaNoWriMo?

That's it for today! Thanks for reading! 

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