Tuesday, November 17, 2015

NaNoWriMo 2015//Day 15, Day 16, & Day 17

Oh hello!

I was so busy with college and life in general that I didn't get to update you guys on how I've been doing in NaNoWriMo!

Day 15
I wasn't feeling it that day, but I did pass the 25,000 word count with 25,560 words. I was only able to reach 1,230 words for my daily word count.

Day 16
I was frantic yesterday about getting past the word count. 26,666 was the goal and I was able to get pass it with 27,264 words. I wrote about 1,600 words which made me very happy.

Day 17
Today's word count was 28,333. I wrote 28,944 words today which was surprising as I had to tweet to get my cousin off my back about helping her get her favorite band at the top of a contest. When I get distracted and don't feel like writing, I try to remind myself why I'm doing this. I have something that I want to share and I think it's important for me to get it out. Even if I don't get anything published, I want to be able to look at something I wrote and be proud about it.

What do you do to get yourself motivated to write? 

That's it for today! Thanks for reading!

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