Oh hello!
I've decided to try and revive this blog. As a college student, it's hard to find time for hobbies like blogging when you're swamped with work. I've managed to start creating blocks of time in my schedule to read a chapter of a book or two.
Right now, I'm currently reading:
Writing Down The Bones: Freeing the Writer Within by Natalie Goldberg
A Cheater's Guide to NaNoWriMo by Laura Roberts
Yes, one is basically a manual for cheating at NaNoWriMo. No, I didn't cheat this year. As you can see in the graph below, I did reach the word count on most days. I had gone to a sleepover one day and I didn't get to write which is why I don't have the "Updated for 30 Days" badge. I'm hoping that next year, I'll be able to get all the badges.
The other book is one of the more well known "writing manuals" that most people have read. It's been sitting on my shelf for a long time. Now that I've gotten more serious in improving my writing and finally going back to my roots, I wanted to start read it. I'm taking notes and doing the exercises for about ten minutes every other day or so. I'm still a busy college student after all.
That's it for today! Thanks for reading!
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Monday, November 30, 2015
NaNoWriMo 2015//Day 22-30
Oh hello!
I have been frantically trying to catch up on the word count each day. Since today's November 30th that means that it's officially the last leg of the journey. By 12 o'clock at midnight of your region, NaNoWriMo is officially done. It's really early in California (about 5:56p.m. as I type this!), and I usually don't update this early unless I have some content ready before the date. But I have a very important announcement.
I won NaNoWriMo!
After trying multiple times in my short life, I've finally gotten to 50,000 words. I even exceed it by 88 words! No words can explain how proud I am in achieving this goal. I never really expected to get to this point. There's still so much I can write for the project I'm working on, and I've decided to keep going with it in December. I'm going to write as much as I can each day until the story is told. Maybe I'll participate in the revision months, but for right now, I have college finals to focus on.
While I was missing the last eight days, I did end up getting my donation package from the NaNoWriMo team. I had donated twenty-five dollars on Double Up Day! which meant that I got the fifty dollar donation pack. The fifty dollar donation package includes:
I opted out of the listing on the Brought to You page as I was more interested in getting the bracelet. If anyone wants to donate to NaNoWriMo and help fuel young authors' dreams and keep adults caffeinated for the entiretly of November, here's the link to do that.
Not only did I manage to donate, I also participated in the NaNoWriMo CD Swap for 2015. I got two really interesting playlists that are so different from each other, but fit me perfectly. I feel a tad bit bad though as the playlists are longer than mine since I wasn't sure how many songs I should put on the CD. If I participate next year, I'm definitely going to add a lot more songs.
And that is the how I ended up writing this post. After struggling for a few years (despite what my profile says, I had to create an new account because I'm stupid and didn't know my password), I finally accomplished what seemed like the impossible.
That's it for today!
I have been frantically trying to catch up on the word count each day. Since today's November 30th that means that it's officially the last leg of the journey. By 12 o'clock at midnight of your region, NaNoWriMo is officially done. It's really early in California (about 5:56p.m. as I type this!), and I usually don't update this early unless I have some content ready before the date. But I have a very important announcement.
I won NaNoWriMo!
After trying multiple times in my short life, I've finally gotten to 50,000 words. I even exceed it by 88 words! No words can explain how proud I am in achieving this goal. I never really expected to get to this point. There's still so much I can write for the project I'm working on, and I've decided to keep going with it in December. I'm going to write as much as I can each day until the story is told. Maybe I'll participate in the revision months, but for right now, I have college finals to focus on.
While I was missing the last eight days, I did end up getting my donation package from the NaNoWriMo team. I had donated twenty-five dollars on Double Up Day! which meant that I got the fifty dollar donation pack. The fifty dollar donation package includes:
A NaNoWriMo infinity bracelet
The NaNoWriMo "Stories Matter" Sticker
"The NaNoWriMo Library" Bookmark
A donor halo for your profile
25% and free U.S. ground shipping from Chronicle Books
A listing on the NaNoWriMo Brought to You page

I opted out of the listing on the Brought to You page as I was more interested in getting the bracelet. If anyone wants to donate to NaNoWriMo and help fuel young authors' dreams and keep adults caffeinated for the entiretly of November, here's the link to do that.
Not only did I manage to donate, I also participated in the NaNoWriMo CD Swap for 2015. I got two really interesting playlists that are so different from each other, but fit me perfectly. I feel a tad bit bad though as the playlists are longer than mine since I wasn't sure how many songs I should put on the CD. If I participate next year, I'm definitely going to add a lot more songs.
And that is the how I ended up writing this post. After struggling for a few years (despite what my profile says, I had to create an new account because I'm stupid and didn't know my password), I finally accomplished what seemed like the impossible.
How did your NaNoWriMo go? Are you done with your novel? Or are you still writing?
That's it for today!
Saturday, November 21, 2015
NaNoWriMo 2015//Day 18, Day 19, Day 20, & 21
Oh hello!
I missed a couple of days because of school and other events which means that four days of writing will be compacted into one.
Long story short, I am behind. I went to my first ever sleep over last night and it was fun. But now, I'm behind on my word count. Day 21's word count is 35,000 and I managed to 34,412 words. I actually wrote about 2,200 words to be able to get to that number. I'm hoping tomorrow that I can write about the same length to catch up as tomorrow's word count is 36,666. I think I finally have idea on what the plot is and realized that I have two different stories going on. I might have to split it up after the end of November.
Tomorrow I'll try start writing in the morning and finish it at the end of the day. Since it is a Sunday, I might have to take breaks to catch up on homework and make sure I'm ready for school on Monday.
That's it for today! Thanks for reading!
I missed a couple of days because of school and other events which means that four days of writing will be compacted into one.
Long story short, I am behind. I went to my first ever sleep over last night and it was fun. But now, I'm behind on my word count. Day 21's word count is 35,000 and I managed to 34,412 words. I actually wrote about 2,200 words to be able to get to that number. I'm hoping tomorrow that I can write about the same length to catch up as tomorrow's word count is 36,666. I think I finally have idea on what the plot is and realized that I have two different stories going on. I might have to split it up after the end of November.
Tomorrow I'll try start writing in the morning and finish it at the end of the day. Since it is a Sunday, I might have to take breaks to catch up on homework and make sure I'm ready for school on Monday.
What do you do to catch up on your daily word count? Leave a comment down below!
That's it for today! Thanks for reading!
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
NaNoWriMo 2015//Day 15, Day 16, & Day 17
Oh hello!
I was so busy with college and life in general that I didn't get to update you guys on how I've been doing in NaNoWriMo!
Day 15
I wasn't feeling it that day, but I did pass the 25,000 word count with 25,560 words. I was only able to reach 1,230 words for my daily word count.
Day 16
I was frantic yesterday about getting past the word count. 26,666 was the goal and I was able to get pass it with 27,264 words. I wrote about 1,600 words which made me very happy.
Day 17
Today's word count was 28,333. I wrote 28,944 words today which was surprising as I had to tweet to get my cousin off my back about helping her get her favorite band at the top of a contest. When I get distracted and don't feel like writing, I try to remind myself why I'm doing this. I have something that I want to share and I think it's important for me to get it out. Even if I don't get anything published, I want to be able to look at something I wrote and be proud about it.
That's it for today! Thanks for reading!
I was so busy with college and life in general that I didn't get to update you guys on how I've been doing in NaNoWriMo!
Day 15
I wasn't feeling it that day, but I did pass the 25,000 word count with 25,560 words. I was only able to reach 1,230 words for my daily word count.
Day 16
I was frantic yesterday about getting past the word count. 26,666 was the goal and I was able to get pass it with 27,264 words. I wrote about 1,600 words which made me very happy.
Day 17
Today's word count was 28,333. I wrote 28,944 words today which was surprising as I had to tweet to get my cousin off my back about helping her get her favorite band at the top of a contest. When I get distracted and don't feel like writing, I try to remind myself why I'm doing this. I have something that I want to share and I think it's important for me to get it out. Even if I don't get anything published, I want to be able to look at something I wrote and be proud about it.
What do you do to get yourself motivated to write?
That's it for today! Thanks for reading!
Saturday, November 14, 2015
NaNoWriMo 2015//Day 14
Oh hello!
The word count of today is 23,333. I was able to get to 24,123 words! I'm really proud of myself. While I was writing, I decided to watch MineCraft videos with my younger brother. Yes, I said MineCraft. I find some of the YouTubers amusing and adorable. I do wonder how MineCraft YouTubers gain so much popularity, but I guess it's because there's a lot of people who like to watch other people play. I prefer to watch PewDiePie for my gaming needs with a little bit of Markiplier, Minx and Crystal thrown in.
Besides watching YouTube with the little brother, I also have a few comics on hand to help draw inspiration or motivation in trudging forward in writing. I like to read Harley Quinn and Bitch Planet when I'm not sure what to write. Somehow, Harley Quinn's personality really gives me a lot of inspiration in writing the guy who's the potential love interest or murderer. I still don't know how he wormed his way into the story. There wasn't even suppose to be a guy in the novel. I guess he just wanted to be written.
That's it for today! Thanks for reading!
The word count of today is 23,333. I was able to get to 24,123 words! I'm really proud of myself. While I was writing, I decided to watch MineCraft videos with my younger brother. Yes, I said MineCraft. I find some of the YouTubers amusing and adorable. I do wonder how MineCraft YouTubers gain so much popularity, but I guess it's because there's a lot of people who like to watch other people play. I prefer to watch PewDiePie for my gaming needs with a little bit of Markiplier, Minx and Crystal thrown in.
Besides watching YouTube with the little brother, I also have a few comics on hand to help draw inspiration or motivation in trudging forward in writing. I like to read Harley Quinn and Bitch Planet when I'm not sure what to write. Somehow, Harley Quinn's personality really gives me a lot of inspiration in writing the guy who's the potential love interest or murderer. I still don't know how he wormed his way into the story. There wasn't even suppose to be a guy in the novel. I guess he just wanted to be written.
Do you have any surprising characters show up in your novel? Have they changed the entire plot? Leave a comment down below.
That's it for today! Thanks for reading!
Friday, November 13, 2015
NaNoWriMo 2015//Day 12 & Day 13
Oh hello!
I thought I posted Day 12 yesterday, but apparently I didn't. So here is Day 12 and Day 13.
Day 12
Today's word count was 20,000. I currently have 20,604 words. I am definitely on a roll. I had accidentally copy and pasted my novel twice in one Google Docs. I was confused about why I had seventy pages until I realized the problem. I fixed it before I made a huge blunder.
NaNoWriMo is making me forget about doing some important tasks for some of classes. It's a good thing that I started to use MyStudyLife to help me remember assignments. I also use it to help me figure out how much time I have between classes to write. I started to use Evernote again after the whole fiasco with stolen passwords and having everything in my journals deleted and erased. That's one reason I have trust issues. I lost years of work because of that which is why I have a lot of backups now.
Day 13
The word count was 21,666. I was able to get to 22,271 words. I'm hoping to get to at least 24,000 words tomorrow since it's a Saturday. I'm going to treat myself with a new episode of one of my favorite shows to be able to reach my word count goal.
That's it for today! Thanks for reading!
I thought I posted Day 12 yesterday, but apparently I didn't. So here is Day 12 and Day 13.
Day 12
Today's word count was 20,000. I currently have 20,604 words. I am definitely on a roll. I had accidentally copy and pasted my novel twice in one Google Docs. I was confused about why I had seventy pages until I realized the problem. I fixed it before I made a huge blunder.
NaNoWriMo is making me forget about doing some important tasks for some of classes. It's a good thing that I started to use MyStudyLife to help me remember assignments. I also use it to help me figure out how much time I have between classes to write. I started to use Evernote again after the whole fiasco with stolen passwords and having everything in my journals deleted and erased. That's one reason I have trust issues. I lost years of work because of that which is why I have a lot of backups now.
Day 13
The word count was 21,666. I was able to get to 22,271 words. I'm hoping to get to at least 24,000 words tomorrow since it's a Saturday. I'm going to treat myself with a new episode of one of my favorite shows to be able to reach my word count goal.
Have you ever accidentally deleted something and couldn't get it back? How do you backup your work? Do you treat yourself when you reach your word count goal?
That's it for today! Thanks for reading!
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
NaNoWriMo 2015//Day 11
Oh hello!
18,333 was the word count for today. I have written down 18,947 words as of this moment. I feel really proud. I didn't think I'd get this far. The last few times I attempted NaNoWriMo, I failed miserably each time. I'm not sure what's different.
Actually, I do think I know why I'm succeeding this year. This year I have a notebook and a laptop to help with NaNoWriMo. I try to write whenever I can during school and if I'm not up to writing, I read a bit to give me inspiration on what to write. When I use my laptop, I always open a new doc in Google Docs and aim for at least 1,500 words each day. Doing that really helps my mind focus on what needs to be written. Sometimes I check back on what I wrote the day before for inspiration, however I usually just spew out word vomit. That helps a lot in making sure I hit my word count goals.
That's it for today! Thanks for reading!
18,333 was the word count for today. I have written down 18,947 words as of this moment. I feel really proud. I didn't think I'd get this far. The last few times I attempted NaNoWriMo, I failed miserably each time. I'm not sure what's different.
Actually, I do think I know why I'm succeeding this year. This year I have a notebook and a laptop to help with NaNoWriMo. I try to write whenever I can during school and if I'm not up to writing, I read a bit to give me inspiration on what to write. When I use my laptop, I always open a new doc in Google Docs and aim for at least 1,500 words each day. Doing that really helps my mind focus on what needs to be written. Sometimes I check back on what I wrote the day before for inspiration, however I usually just spew out word vomit. That helps a lot in making sure I hit my word count goals.
Do you have a daily word count goal? What do you like to do each day that helps you write?
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
NaNoWriMo 2015//Day 10
Oh hello!
The word count for today was 16,666. I have ended up writing about 17, 215 words. Go me! I'm trying to type as much as I can each day without burning out. Some scenes are random. Others were written with some kind of intention to string them together and create a novel. A novel whose whole theme and storyline has drastically changed. Now I'm really confused on where this story is going.
All I know is that there is a girl who is not okay, imaginary beings, and a guy who seems very dangerous. I don't think that my novel is going to end up as a love story because what is going on is definitely not love. As I write my novel, I notice that I don't really write it down in my journal anymore. I think I'm going to write in it during school hours and when I'm not near my laptop. My typing skills have improved to a more reasonable state after typing for so long on my novel.
Well, back to adding more words to my word count!
That's it for today! Thanks for reading!
The word count for today was 16,666. I have ended up writing about 17, 215 words. Go me! I'm trying to type as much as I can each day without burning out. Some scenes are random. Others were written with some kind of intention to string them together and create a novel. A novel whose whole theme and storyline has drastically changed. Now I'm really confused on where this story is going.
All I know is that there is a girl who is not okay, imaginary beings, and a guy who seems very dangerous. I don't think that my novel is going to end up as a love story because what is going on is definitely not love. As I write my novel, I notice that I don't really write it down in my journal anymore. I think I'm going to write in it during school hours and when I'm not near my laptop. My typing skills have improved to a more reasonable state after typing for so long on my novel.
Well, back to adding more words to my word count!
What scenes in your novel have surprised you during NaNoWriMo?
Monday, November 9, 2015
NaNoWriMo 2015//Day 9
Oh hello!
15,000 words was today's word count and I have definitely surpassed it. I am also still writing a little bit more for today as tomorrow I have a math test that I really need to study for in the morning. Yay for afternoon math classes!
I know I said yesterday that I usually listen to one song as I write, but today I ended up listening to 5 Seconds Of Summer's new album "Sounds Good Feels Good." I didn't notice before, but I like how the songs go from a nice, upbeat tone to a more dark, sad feeling. It really got me into the mood for certain scenes that have come about.
That's it for today! Thanks for reading!
15,000 words was today's word count and I have definitely surpassed it. I am also still writing a little bit more for today as tomorrow I have a math test that I really need to study for in the morning. Yay for afternoon math classes!
I know I said yesterday that I usually listen to one song as I write, but today I ended up listening to 5 Seconds Of Summer's new album "Sounds Good Feels Good." I didn't notice before, but I like how the songs go from a nice, upbeat tone to a more dark, sad feeling. It really got me into the mood for certain scenes that have come about.
What do you do that gets you into the mood of writing?
That's it for today! Thanks for reading!
Sunday, November 8, 2015
NaNoWriMo 2015//Day 8
Oh hello!
The word count of the day was 13,333 and I was able to pass it with 13,640 words and counting. I think I'm on a role today, but I still have a lot of college work to do. Oh the life of a student. I decided to extend a scene I started yesterday as I felt like it needed to be expanded upon. The scene has become a very long piece and not what I expected to happen.
I'm not even sure what's going on in my novel anymore. My characters have taken the reigns and I have no idea where we're going. I'm hoping it's not as dark as I'm thinking it's going to end up. I swear that I knew where I was going with my piece, but now I'm not very sure. My main character still doesn't have a name. Whenever she needs to introduce herself, I just put a blank space or dashed lines. Until my character decides to name herself, I'm going to go along with her decisions.
Something that I notice when I write is that I tend to try to listen to one song the entire time I write. The repetition helps me focus on my work since I get tired of listening to it after a while. If I change songs, I'll end up singing along and lose my train of thought. The song I've been listening today is "Broken Home" by 5 Seconds Of Summer. I wasn't expecting to like anything from them, but I do like that song off their new album Sound Good Feels Good. I also like "The Girl Who Cried Wolf." I'm usually a fan of theirs, but those are good songs in my opinion.
That's it for today! Thanks for reading!
The word count of the day was 13,333 and I was able to pass it with 13,640 words and counting. I think I'm on a role today, but I still have a lot of college work to do. Oh the life of a student. I decided to extend a scene I started yesterday as I felt like it needed to be expanded upon. The scene has become a very long piece and not what I expected to happen.
I'm not even sure what's going on in my novel anymore. My characters have taken the reigns and I have no idea where we're going. I'm hoping it's not as dark as I'm thinking it's going to end up. I swear that I knew where I was going with my piece, but now I'm not very sure. My main character still doesn't have a name. Whenever she needs to introduce herself, I just put a blank space or dashed lines. Until my character decides to name herself, I'm going to go along with her decisions.
Something that I notice when I write is that I tend to try to listen to one song the entire time I write. The repetition helps me focus on my work since I get tired of listening to it after a while. If I change songs, I'll end up singing along and lose my train of thought. The song I've been listening today is "Broken Home" by 5 Seconds Of Summer. I wasn't expecting to like anything from them, but I do like that song off their new album Sound Good Feels Good. I also like "The Girl Who Cried Wolf." I'm usually a fan of theirs, but those are good songs in my opinion.
Do you listen to music when you write? What do you listen to if you do? Leave a comment down below! I'd love to hear from you!
Saturday, November 7, 2015
NaNoWriMo 2015//Day 7
Oh hello!
I passed today's 11,667 word count with 11,716 words. I may write a bit more since it is Double-Up Donation day. I still have about two more hours until midnight. I did donate $25 today which means that I'll be getting the $50 donation bundle. I can't wait until I get that in the mail.
My writing is going pretty well. The plot seems to have left me and my characters are developing on their own. They're really diverging from the path that I thought my novel was going to. It's kind of sad as I liked where I was going the first time. I think once I edit everything I'll have some hybrid novel where I'll need to find what I should keep for the novel I'm working on this year and maybe another one that I'll write in December. I am a very busy bee, aren't I?
I found that rewarding myself goes a long way to getting to the word count. I went to my local comic book store and told myself that once I get to the word count, I'll read the new issue of Paper Girl. I made a Style It post if you don't know and don't follow fashion-lifestyle blog. I think rewarding yourself is a good way to try to get the word count.
For daily word count, I try to give myself a piece of candy or something similar. Weekly rewards would be ZNation spam as I already do it every week, why not make it harder to do? I also reward myself with new comic books. I'm not sure what to do for the end of the month reward, but I'm thinking of watching a new series or reading a new book series.
That's it for today! Thanks for reading!
I passed today's 11,667 word count with 11,716 words. I may write a bit more since it is Double-Up Donation day. I still have about two more hours until midnight. I did donate $25 today which means that I'll be getting the $50 donation bundle. I can't wait until I get that in the mail.
My writing is going pretty well. The plot seems to have left me and my characters are developing on their own. They're really diverging from the path that I thought my novel was going to. It's kind of sad as I liked where I was going the first time. I think once I edit everything I'll have some hybrid novel where I'll need to find what I should keep for the novel I'm working on this year and maybe another one that I'll write in December. I am a very busy bee, aren't I?
I found that rewarding myself goes a long way to getting to the word count. I went to my local comic book store and told myself that once I get to the word count, I'll read the new issue of Paper Girl. I made a Style It post if you don't know and don't follow fashion-lifestyle blog. I think rewarding yourself is a good way to try to get the word count.
For daily word count, I try to give myself a piece of candy or something similar. Weekly rewards would be ZNation spam as I already do it every week, why not make it harder to do? I also reward myself with new comic books. I'm not sure what to do for the end of the month reward, but I'm thinking of watching a new series or reading a new book series.
How do you reward yourself during NaNoWriMo?
Friday, November 6, 2015
NaNoWriMo 2015//Day 6
Oh hello!
The word count for today was 10,000! That's a really huge number for someone who hasn't written a large piece in years. I did make it though with 10, 207 words. I was suprised that I ended up writing so much. I'm hoping to keep up this streak for the next few weeks.
I also joined the NaNoWriMo CD Swap this year and I got my group a few hours ago! I bought some blank CD's at Target since all the ones I had mysteriously vanished. I'll be sending them out on Tuesday or Thursday once I'm done burning the songs on the CD's.
Since I'm reviving this blog, I'm trying to figure out what kind of posts I should do. Once I figure that out, I'll be hopefully posting a lot more in December.
That's it for today! Thanks for reading!
The word count for today was 10,000! That's a really huge number for someone who hasn't written a large piece in years. I did make it though with 10, 207 words. I was suprised that I ended up writing so much. I'm hoping to keep up this streak for the next few weeks.
I also joined the NaNoWriMo CD Swap this year and I got my group a few hours ago! I bought some blank CD's at Target since all the ones I had mysteriously vanished. I'll be sending them out on Tuesday or Thursday once I'm done burning the songs on the CD's.
Since I'm reviving this blog, I'm trying to figure out what kind of posts I should do. Once I figure that out, I'll be hopefully posting a lot more in December.
That's it for today! Thanks for reading!
Thursday, November 5, 2015
NaNoWriMo 2015//Day 5
Oh hello!
Today's word count is 8,333. I ended up writing 8, 405 words! Go me! I'm hoping to actually finish strong this year so I hope that I continue to pass the word count each day. I find that if I try to write pass the word count every day, I'm more likely to get to the word count. I think I'm more motivated to succeed if I see some more progress every day.
Today's word count is 8,333. I ended up writing 8, 405 words! Go me! I'm hoping to actually finish strong this year so I hope that I continue to pass the word count each day. I find that if I try to write pass the word count every day, I'm more likely to get to the word count. I think I'm more motivated to succeed if I see some more progress every day.
I also like to listen to certain songs to help my creative juices flow. One of the songs is Lauren Babic and Tyson Dang's cover Drown.
I love her voice and their cover really gets me into the mood to write most of the scenes in my novel. She's also in a band called Red Handed Denial.
What do you listen to when writing? Do you have a favorite song that you like to write with playing in the background? Leave a comment down below?
That's it for today! Thanks for reading!
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
NaNoWriMo 2015//Day 3 & Day 4
Oh hello!
Day 3
Last night I was trying to reach the word count which was 5,000. I did get to write 5, 032 words by the time it was eleven. I rewarded myself by reading a bit of my comics that I got recently. By the end of the night, I was too tired to really do anything else.
Day 4
Today I was able to get to 6,687 words. I passed the 6,666 word count early at about 9p.m. I'm not sure where I'm going with my novel, but I do have an idea. I think the characters are starting to have minds of their own as I wasn't planning the scenes that I wrote today. At least my characters are having fun, right? Well, some of them are having fun. Others are having a very terrible time to be honest.
That's it for today! Thanks for reading!
Day 3
Last night I was trying to reach the word count which was 5,000. I did get to write 5, 032 words by the time it was eleven. I rewarded myself by reading a bit of my comics that I got recently. By the end of the night, I was too tired to really do anything else.
Day 4
Today I was able to get to 6,687 words. I passed the 6,666 word count early at about 9p.m. I'm not sure where I'm going with my novel, but I do have an idea. I think the characters are starting to have minds of their own as I wasn't planning the scenes that I wrote today. At least my characters are having fun, right? Well, some of them are having fun. Others are having a very terrible time to be honest.
How many words have you written up? Have any surprising scenes that suddenly fit any missing pieces in your works? Tell me about it!
Monday, November 2, 2015
NaNoWriMo 2015//Day 2
Oh hello!
Today was rather eventful. As I walked downstairs to get into my dad's car, I slipped on the stairs and almost died. Well, that's an exaggeration, but I felt like I was going to die. I was able to throw my arms out and catch the railings on both sides of me before I could fall. It was very traumatizing.
Besides that exciting experience, I had reached a little bit past today's word count of 3,333. I'm hoping to add a bit more later as math homework is seriously piling up. I totally have my priorities straight, right?
I have also been reading a bit from The Muse. I like to look around the site and learn more about being productive and other such topics. I also use it to procrastinate, but let's pretend I didn't say that.
That's it for today! Thanks for reading!
Today was rather eventful. As I walked downstairs to get into my dad's car, I slipped on the stairs and almost died. Well, that's an exaggeration, but I felt like I was going to die. I was able to throw my arms out and catch the railings on both sides of me before I could fall. It was very traumatizing.
Besides that exciting experience, I had reached a little bit past today's word count of 3,333. I'm hoping to add a bit more later as math homework is seriously piling up. I totally have my priorities straight, right?
I have also been reading a bit from The Muse. I like to look around the site and learn more about being productive and other such topics. I also use it to procrastinate, but let's pretend I didn't say that.
How are you doing on the second day of NaNoWriMo15?
That's it for today! Thanks for reading!
Sunday, November 1, 2015
NaNoWriMo 2015//Day 1
Oh hello!
What a pleasant surprise! I'm actually updating this blog for once. Go me. I haven't been reading as much as I wanted and with college, well. My reading days are practically limited. I'll try to find out some kind of balance for this blog. Hopefully.
Anyways, I just wanted to update you guys. I'm doing NaNoWriMo. Again. Oh yeah. After 2013's short try at it, I decided to try it again. My user name is laceituplove if you want to look me up or want to become a buddy. I think I'll really need someone to help me get through this year's NaNoWriMo attempt.
Today I'm currently trying to get to the word count. I have a few more words to go and I'm trying to exceed it a little bit in case tomorrow doesn't yield the same results. I'm not sure where I'm going with my novel. There seems to be a lot of angst right now. Maybe three little imaginary beings that like to be mean. They're being very rude to my main character right now.
That's it for today! Thanks for reading!
What a pleasant surprise! I'm actually updating this blog for once. Go me. I haven't been reading as much as I wanted and with college, well. My reading days are practically limited. I'll try to find out some kind of balance for this blog. Hopefully.
Anyways, I just wanted to update you guys. I'm doing NaNoWriMo. Again. Oh yeah. After 2013's short try at it, I decided to try it again. My user name is laceituplove if you want to look me up or want to become a buddy. I think I'll really need someone to help me get through this year's NaNoWriMo attempt.
Today I'm currently trying to get to the word count. I have a few more words to go and I'm trying to exceed it a little bit in case tomorrow doesn't yield the same results. I'm not sure where I'm going with my novel. There seems to be a lot of angst right now. Maybe three little imaginary beings that like to be mean. They're being very rude to my main character right now.
Are you doing NaNoWriMo this year? What are you writing about? What do you think I should write about on this blog?
That's it for today! Thanks for reading!
daily update,
day 1,
nanowrimo 2015 day 1,
nanowrimo day 1,
Sunday, January 18, 2015
Sunday Reading List (And Update!)
Hey guys!
I know that Tuesdays With Morrie was really popular a few years back and I found The Five People You Meet In Heaven at one of my local thrift shops and decided to give it a try. I had gotten Beautiful Zurt last year as an advance reader and just now have the time to read through it. I had read at least half and I really like it! Especially since it's also based on one of the first multi-user adventure games ever created!
I'm also creating a few blog post series and might start updating you guys about one of my New Year's Eve goals. I had decided to write a poem and a page of fiction a day besides my usual journaling. What do you guys think about that?
That's it for today! Thanks for reading!
For more on my fashion/beauty/lifestyle blog, click here.
It's been a long long time since I've updated this blog. I just haven't had the chance to read as much as I want to as I adjusted to school and found myself leaning more towards makeup and fashion. But I've started to make time for reading again after finally cleaning up my style (or at least, figure out exactly what it is) and realized that I have too many books. So I'm determined to read all of my books and get rid of the ones that I don't really like, don't have a huge impact on my life, or just adds to my messy life. It's breaking my heart, but I need to do it.
So here is my first Sunday Reading List. Right now it's really short since I am still in school and taking a two advance classes. But I will be making time to read these two books by the end of this month even if I have to force myself to slow down and take a breather.
I know that Tuesdays With Morrie was really popular a few years back and I found The Five People You Meet In Heaven at one of my local thrift shops and decided to give it a try. I had gotten Beautiful Zurt last year as an advance reader and just now have the time to read through it. I had read at least half and I really like it! Especially since it's also based on one of the first multi-user adventure games ever created!
I'm also creating a few blog post series and might start updating you guys about one of my New Year's Eve goals. I had decided to write a poem and a page of fiction a day besides my usual journaling. What do you guys think about that?
That's it for today! Thanks for reading!
For more on my fashion/beauty/lifestyle blog, click here.
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